Block Birthday Cake Recipe

Building Sweet Memories, One Block at a Time

Embark on a creative journey with our Block Birthday Cake recipe. Craft a cake that's not just delicious but an adventure in every slice. Discover how to build sweet memories, one edible block at a time, and make your child's bir...

Building Sweet Memories, One Block at a Time

Embark on a creative journey with our Block Birthday Cake recipe. Craft a cake that's not just delicious but an adventure in every slice. Discover how to build sweet memories, one edible block at a time, and make your child's birthday celebration a gaming-inspired delight
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  • 1 On a rectangle cake board, roughly 18 cm x 28 cm (or a suitable size). Begin to plan your cake, see plan attached. Note the existing icing will be covered as the cake is built.
  • 2 Build the cake as directed in plan, using whole slices and horizontally split slices, where directed for the towers and the pool cavity. Using the chocolate frosting, dab on the un-iced sides of cake slices to stick the cake squares to the cake board and each other.
  • 3 Cover the built fortress, excluding the pool opening, generously with chocolate frosting. Use a small offset spatula dipped in hot water to help spread the frosting without tearing the cake and create sharp edges.
  • 4 Line the pool cavity with the vanilla frosting, being sure to seal well, leaving no areas for the jelly to seep in. This helps the berry blue pool to really pop. Refrigerate for an hour to allow frosting to set.
  • 5 In a small jug combine 1 cup (250 mL) of boiling water and the Berry Blue jelly crystals, stirring to combine well. Set aside allowing to almost set but still be pourable (30-45 minutes approx.).
  • 6 In a medium microwave proof bowl, combine ⅓ cup (80 mL) boiling water and the lime jelly crystals, stir well to dissolve. Microwave on HIGH for 20-30 seconds to ensure the crystals are dissolved well. Add the coconut and stir well to coat evenly. Spoon onto a baking paper lined tray and spread out evenly. Set aside for a few minutes until the mixture is at room temperature. (If too warm, it will melt the chocolate frosting).
  • 7 Using a fork to tease the coconut out, place the coconut on top of the cake blocks as indicated in the plan.
  • 8 Gently fill the pool cavity with the Berry Blue jelly. Cut the LCM bars in half and press into place as per the plan.
  • 9 Top with a selection of Block figurines and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.

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